April 30, 2008

Don't Cry, Baby

I just read in The Honolulu Advertiser that Consolidated Theatres will have special showings for parents with young children. The program, called Cry Baby Matinees, starts next week. Parents can bring their kids to movies without fear of them disturbing other viewers. According to the article, there'll even be a stroller park and changing table in the theater.

Now, isn't this progressive of a corporate entity? I totally support this initiative, if not for the parents and their rights, then for my own selfish desires. It irks me to no end when I'm sitting at the theater and some kid screams its head off through most of the movie. I can understand if the movie's rated G, PG or even PG-13, but R? C'mon people! Kids shouldn't even be in there. Why d'you gotta ruin it for others by bringing them? It's sooo not appropriate.


Anonymous said...

I know the theatre in Mililani has been hosting those mom/kid showings for awhile. When you think about it, it's usually those young couples (aka stupid teenagers) who bring their newborn (!) to the theatres. Dummies.