So, it turns out that this is basically a banquet to say out with the old and in with the new regarding the chamber's leadership. (Good thing I went to Ross and bought a frou frou dress because those Filipinos sure know how to get dressed up! Some of the dresses were gorgeous; others were a bit revealing; some just awful. In any case, it was a festive occasion. Get this, I found a dress for $10! How's that for a steal?)
It took place at the Hilton Hawaiian Village's Tapa Ballroom. Nice. The food was okay - chicken and fish, rice and veggies. The dessert was delish! Think it was raspberry (could've been strawberry) cheesecake. Yum!
It was an interesting experience, but I don't need to go to one of those big events again. It was awkward because I didn't know anyone other than my co-workers. Also, most of the people were older (a lot older) than me. For me, it was sorta like going to prom as a chaperone - you fit but you don't fit and you basically go for just the food. It did give me a chance to get dressed up, but even that's not something I'm too fond of doing.
Image Source: http://filipinochamber.org/
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