Despite all that women have gone through over the years to make equality among the sexes a mainstream idea, after today I've gotta say that I wouldn't be opposed to admitting that women may be the weaker sex.
Whoa, whoa, whoa there all you extreme feminists. Before you even begin to type a comment, let me explain. Today I spent almost eight hours loading and unloading boxes, lifting and pulling things around and carrying and pushing heavy objects. Of course, I wasn't alone in this task. My co-worker, who also happens to be female, had the good fortune to join me in this pursuit.
Right about now my (and I'm sure her) arms and legs are starting to get tight and tingly. Even my fingers and joints are starting to ache. Right about now I'm seriously thinking of popping an Advil and putting myself out of this misery.
It could be because of the extreme discomfort I'm feeling that I've come to realize that yes indeed the two genders are not equal. In fact, I know it's due to the achiness in my arms and legs. But, if all I'd have had to do was admit that women were the weaker of the two, I'd have damn well done it if someone else would've humped those boxes for me. I don't even think it'd have been beyond faking a fainting spell to get out of pushing heavy things around. Seriously, a right Southern belle, hotter than hell fainting spell wouldn't have been beyond my means. I'd even flutter my eyelashes before I hit the ground.
Science says that the strongest man is stronger than the strongest woman, but what about the real life men we live with daily? Strength of character is what matters most.
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