July 29, 2009

Bucket List - Week 16 Update

I've got a several updates to my Bucket List.

Bucket List #1
Yesterday I sent out my manuscript to three local publishers. I got a reply from one of them saying they received it and it'll take 4-6 weeks for a "yay" or "nay" reply. Guess that's a start.

Bucket List #16
Checked out Volunteer Hawaii as one reader suggested and thought it was really helpful. I didn't really see anything that fit me, but I'll have to take another look this weekend.

Bucket List #32
Found a penny in the parking lot at work so this brings my total down to $999.85. Boy, this one's gonna be here a while.

Bucket List #41
Just watched Bill Maher's Religulous and don't think this will happen any time soon . . . well, at least if anything religious is invovled.

Bucket List #55
Still reading I Will Teach You To Be Rich. There's a bunch of interesting info in this book and it's easy to understand. I suppose all of it is written to help you get rich, but it's basically filled with great personal finance tips (some more common sense than anything else) that twenty-somethings should know. More on it next week.

Bucket List #67
As a recap, my KCC golf class got canceled. Apparently the building doesn't have electricity. What does electricity have to do with golfing? Good question. I'm not sure if I'll be registering for the fall classes. I was thinking I might just go to the driving range with my dad once a week. It might be faster that way.

Bucket List #70
Another recap, I picked up a electric sewing machine from Costco. I just have to figure it. My co-worker keeps saying it's really easy, but she's been sewing since before she was 5 years old. I'll try to figure everything out this weekend.

Bucket List #80
Again, I'm very skeptical now that I've watched Religulous. I wasn't a religious person to begin with so the movie seems to have only confirmed my suspicions.

Bucket List #87
Found some line dancing classes that start in the fall. I know they're not ballroom classes, but it's definitely a start. I convinced my friend Elle to come with me. I'm kinda excited. Don't count on me wearing cowboy boots and a hat though.

Bucket List #96
Elle mentioned taking a holiday to a cowboy ranch one day. Might be able to fit this item into that trip. What'dya think?