Yesterday was the big day - a month since my last visit to the eye doctor. If all tests came out okay, my doctor would do an in-office procedure to fix the residual issues I have after my Visian ICL procedure. The main problem is that I have about one diopter refraction in both eyes post-Visian surgery because of some astigmatism. My vision was so bad before that the astigmatism was mild in comparison and didn't really make a difference in whether I saw things clear or blurry. Now that my vision is corrected, the astigmatism is apparent.
When I got to the office I underwent about 30 minutes of testing on about four different machines. All the readings were consistent with my previous visit, so I was cleared to do the in-office procedure. I don't even know what this procedure is called. However, I have to say it was pretty quick and fairly painless. It was quite freaky though, but that's a separate issue.
Basically some numbing eye drops were put in both eyes and some clamps were used to keep my eyelids from closing. Then the doctor used a pen and some type of intrument to mark my eyes for the incisions he was going to make. After marking and double checking the marks, he went ahead and apparently made a tiny cut in each eye.
The entire process was just bizarre. It honestly felt like he made more than one incision per eye, but when I asked about it afterward they said only one in each eye. I couldn't feel anything for the most part except for the pressure on my eyeball. I had my chin and forehead resting against a machine and was looking at a light the entire time with my eyes wide open. It was so much easier to do during the Visian procedure, but I guess I was drugged up and on my back during that one as opposed to sitting upright in a chair.
Anyway, my eyes felt a little scratchy after the procedure and were sensitive to light. I was given a bottle of drops and am doing one drop per eye twice a day for the next five days. Today when I got to work I noticed that I could read some things on my computer that were blurry yesterday. Quite amazing really.
I'm supposed to go back for a follow up in two weeks. I sincerely hope this is the last of it. I don't really want any more complications. But I guess even with all this extra stuff going on with my eyes, the Visian ICL procedure was worth it. Also, despite all the trouble and weird issues that I developed, my doctor has been very good about everything. I'm sure he's tired of seeing me as much as I'm tired of going in for all the follow ups. I think I'd definitely recommend for others to look into this procedure and see if it's right for them. Now that I've had all these problems throughout the process, everyone else's experience should be problem free. I've gotta be the one in one thousand who experience them. Everyone else might as well go for it now.
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