I do not even know what we all did before the invention of YouTube. I mean seriously, I've been watching videos for over three hours now. And it's not like I'm bouncing around from one stupid video to the next. I searched a specific topic (ie. JET) and found some very cool and informative vids out there by current JETs. Amazing, simply amazing.
The info that is shared through these vids are so engaging and as a viewer you're able to learn so much. The visual nature of it all grabs your attention, even when the video editing skills aren't the greatest. Most people are still able to get the main point across. For someone like me, who is searching for info, it's awesome.
I like how there are so many perspectives on something generic like "living in Japan" or "teaching in Japan." I'm finding all the videos really helpful, especially the ones from the newbies (the people who went over in 2009). They've been there for about six months now and should be settling in. They'll have the best perspectives of the country. My favorite vids are the ones about their hometowns. It's nice to see the different locales where JETs are placed. Some look like fairly large cities. Other that I've seen are totally in the inaka (country).
As I watch these videos, I'm kind of getting anxious about not hearing about the USA interviews. The list of people selected to get interviews is supposed to be posted in late January. Um, it's late January and there's been nothing. I cannot refrain from doing a daily check of the JET website, just in case the list is there. Hmm, now that I think about it, seeing the list posted would be useless to me. I don't carry my ID number around so even if the list was live I wouldn't know if I was on or not. I better start carrying that list around.
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