Yesterday I got a shocking call from a voice from the past. My old co-worker D-Rob called me (on my work number too, which was more surprising) to say what's up, catch up and ask about another co-worker's number. We spent 10 minutes catching up on each other's lives. It was all so very nice, just like old times.
It's interesting how random people are put together in some of the worst situations ever and find solace in one another. It's some kind of self-preservation technique that's left over from our caveman days, I think.
D-Rob and a bunch of my other old co-workers somehow managed to find ourselves at a place quite like hell on Earth. Go figure huh? Some of the nicest, smartest people ever were all lured into a toxic sludge of a workplace. While some of the lucky (and smart) ones didn't hang around for long, several of us stuck it out for a couple of years before getting out of Dodge. During those troubled time, we managed to forge a mean bond. Even three years later with zero contact between us, yesterday's phone call with D-Rob was like the old days when we'd trade jokes at each other's desks.
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