Upon further inspection, I found a man walking on a treadmill next to his window. The curtains and jalousies were wide open, and the treadmill was situated parallel to the windows. There was a white towel that blocked the sun from beating down on his face. Squinting my eyes, because my brain did not believe what my eyes were seeing, revealed that the man was indeed buck naked! After a gasp and a giggle, I thought, "This is what apartment living is all about - the freaky neighbors."
Hesitating for only a second, I ran back to my apartment to grab my camera. Some might think that I'm a freak myself for wanting to document this rare find, but I just think of it as being a good blogger. This was too good to not blog about, right? I tried to snap a pic from my floor, but there were some trees in the way. I ended up on the landing between my floor and the next shooting through a crack in the wall.
When my ride arrived, I told them to look at the freaky, naked dude. I still couldn't believe that a grown-ass man would walk next to the window naked. Was this for real? Can exercise really do a body that good that you're ignorant of your nakedness?
They looked up at the sixth floor and said he wasn't naked. He was wearing peach-colored board shorts. You could definitely tell because of the shadows the shorts created. Also, unless his ass was wrinkly, he was definitely wearing shorts.
However, as they say a picture (or pictures, in my case) is worth a thousand words. If you ask me, those aren't a pair of peach-colored board shorts. Not by a long shot . . . .
My heart wants to believe he's naked. So let's leave it that way.
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