June 9, 2008

Funny Wedding Vids

Not sure why, but I've been getting a kick out of watching funny wedding videos. They're just hilarious! Most of the time it's the couple's first dance as husband and wife. Most of the time the couple is white, which makes the dancing even funnier. I hate to admit that the stereotype is right, but seriously, it is. Here are some of my favorite videos that I came across on YouTube.

Best "Baby Got Back" Vid
I love how in sync they are and that the guy actually has as much rhythm as the girl.

Best Vid by Asians
Love the Tutting!

Best "Screw Your Traditions" Vid
Who said you can't go all gangsta at your wedding?

Best "Dirty Dancing"
Props to the bride who's dancing in a pretty big dress!

Best "WASP trying to be Ghetto" Vid
Stick to stocks and mutual funds people, stocks and mutual funds.

Best "I Love You No Matter What" Vid
Props to the wedding party and friends who MUST LOVE the newlyweds A LOT to do this for them. As a side note, this must've been the groom's idea. He is SO into it.

Best Use of Dance Lessons
Money well spent I'd say.

Best Father/Daughter Dance
Dude is smoooth!