April 10, 2010

Enka Resurgence?

No matter what I do, I cannot reconcile this voice with this singer. It is completely mind blowing - in an extremely good way!

Jero, aka Jerome White Jr., is from Pittsburgh but is pretty much taking the enka world by storm. He was influenced by his late grandmother, a native Japanese who married an American serviceman during the war, and began singing enka at a very young age.

When you close your eyes, you're transported back to the '40s with this style of music. The fact that it's coming out of an African American man who is less than 30 years old is truly wonderful. It makes you realize that music and culture can definitely transgress time and space. I love that Jero remains true to his upbringing (in an urban American setting) through his clothing choices, yet he is still able to perform in the traditional manner for which Japan is famous.