May 20, 2008

Survey Says . . .

As I'm too lazy to do a real blog, I figure a survey might be just as enlightening as a blog so here you go:

1. Name something that made you frown today?
My boss

2. What were you doing at 7:00am?
Just waking up. Now that I live and work in town, it's so much easier.

3. What were you doing 1 hour ago?
Probably checking email

4. What is something you will never forget?
My identity hopefully

5. What was the last thing you said aloud?

6. How many different things did you drink today?
Coke and strawberry lemonade

7. What was the last thing you bought?
Dinner at Chili's

8. What color is your room?
Off-white walls, beige drapes. Not my choice, I'm renting.

9. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
Probably vog-filled again

10. Vanilla or chocolate?

11. What are you excited about?
Nothing right now

12. Are you random?
Nah, not really.

13. Do you laugh a lot?
Sure, I guess so

14. Do you have plans tomorrow?
Work of course

15. Are you ticklish?

16. Are you typically nice to people?
I think so

17. Who’s the 1st person on your received calls list?
My sister-in-law

18. What’s the 5th text in your inbox?
I don't text - not included in my phone plan. Yeah, I know . . . I need to get with the times.

19. Do you chew on straws?

20. What is the next concert you’re going to?
I want to go to Birthday Bash since I haven't been to one in several years.

21. What’s on your mind lately?
That I need to lose some weight

22. What were you doing at midnight last night?

23. Is success in your future?
I sure hope so.

24. Do you have a nickname?
Yup, D or Dee

25. Are you a heavy sleeper?
I never used to be but in my old age I think I am

26. When was the last time you used a skateboard?
Probably when I was in elementary school

27. When was the last time you said I love you to a parent?
Been a while I think

28. Was today a good day?
I survived so I guess it was good

29. What are you listening to?
KHON2 news

30. What are you doing right now?
Syncing my iPod

31. What kind of music you like best?
I'm totally ecletic

32. How do you like to spend the holidays?
With the fam

33. Do you currently have feelings for someone?
Not currently no

34. How do you feel about Valentine’s Day?
I think it's a fake holiday

35. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?

36. Where do you keep your money?
Where do YOU keep YOUR money? What a dumb question.

37. What was the weather like on your birthday?
Am I really that old that I don't remember what the weather was like only two months ago?

38. Would you make out with anyone on your top friends?
Probably not since most are fam (I got the survey from MySpace, which explains the dumb questions huh?)

39. What instant messaging system do you use?
I don't have time to message anymore. I used to use AIM and ICQ way back in the day.

40. Do you own a stereo that costs more than 100 dollars?
Don't think so unless an iPod counts as a stereo

41. Have you ever hiked up a mountain?
Does Aiea Loop Trail or Makapuu count?

42. Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it?

43. Is there anyone that doesn’t like you because of something you didn’t even do?
I wouldn't doubt it

44. Do you miss someone?
No, not really

45. When is the last time you laughed?
About half an hour ago when I was watching some old music video by Tommy Page

46. How are you feeling?
Rested and tired at the same time.

47. Where did you go yesterday?

So, do you feel like you know me better now?