October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009 in Waikiki

I just got back from cruisin' the streets of Waikiki to get a glimpse at cool Halloween costumes. I'm sad to report that there wasn't a lot of originality out there. Most of the stuff I saw was store-bought crap that wasn't very original.

This year there seemed to be some very popular costumes. Must've been on sale somewhere yeah? The costumes seen most frequently for 2009 are:
1. Mickey and/or Minnie Mouse
2. Sexy fairies
3. Prisoners
4. Guys in drag

There were also a lot of bees and pirates too, so I guess they get honorable mention.

The cutest costume goes to this little kid in a cop outfit (Click on the photos to enlarge). His parents were dressed up as his prisoners. Now ain't that the truth? LOL

A really cool costume was of the Egyptian god Anubis. I'm pretty sure it was bought and not made though. Awesome costume either way.

I also saw a vacationing Jack, a vengeful Ronald and a box of fries enjoying a night on the town.

Another theme tonight was matching couples. Not the most original idea in the world but still popular. Here's Mario and Luigi, Mario and the Princess and Superman and Wonder Woman. Yes, Superman is definitely checking out Wonder Woman's rack.

In addition to all the general chaos that is Halloween in Waiks, the street performers and religious freaks were out in force. There was a guy who made a glass ball float with some kind of Criss Angel-ish action, a group of Hare Krishna-like folks singing and banging on drums and the Jesus freaks spouting off about the damnation of the world. Pretty typical for a Halloween night.

One of the funniest costumes I came across was two guys wearing a Saturday Night Live "Dick in a Box" costume. I've seen this done before, but it's still a good laugh. Here's the SNL video and below it is the Halloween picture. What makes this funnier is that there's a guy who cut in front of me while I was trying to take the photo. It looks like he's checking out the packages, if you know what I mean LOL

Overall, this was a very eventful night. Lots of fun was had. Lots of walking was done. Good times people, good times.


Unknown said...

FYI, the Anubis costume was entirely handmade by my housemate Quest. He sculpted the ears and snout using clay, then put a laytex layering over that, and set to dry. Afterwords, he painted it black. The rest of it was made using purchased fabric, cut out, hot glued, and sewn together to make the final product. Took him about 2 weeks.

Unknown said...

There was another Egyptian custom - a guy with a gold mask and very muscular incredible abs. I am trying to reach him to hire him for perfomance at some shows. Has anybody seen a picturre of him online? Thank you.

skycastles said...

@Patrick - Seriously? That is the coolest thing ever!! I didn't get a chance to get up close because of the crowds of people mobbing him. LOL With that privileged info, he was by far the best costume of the night.

@Antonio - Sorry man, didn't see that guy. Good luck with the hot man hunt.