March 26, 2009

Bible Thumpers Came a Knockin'

Yesterday some bible thumpers came a knockin' on my door. It's not that I have anything against church-goers or worshipers. They're all fine and dandy in my book. In fact, my mother is one of them.

But when they have to go out out and solicit, uhm, I mean do community outreach, I think it's a bit intrusive. You go worship your god over there in your church. You need not knock on my door and proclaim to love the lord on my doorstep.

No, I don't want to join your bible study group. I'll also have to decline your offer of free reading materials. I already know of quite a few locations with free reading materials, thank you very much. They're called libraries.

The bible thumpers actually had the gall to ask if it was only today that I was not interested in speaking to them about the lord or if it was something more permanent, like forever. I chose the latter of course. I don't want to get on their missed opportunities list and have them knocking every other day in order to save another soul. Really, I'm just saving their time and effort as I'm sure there are others out there who would welcome a soul saver.

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