January 27, 2009

The Proposal

I was clicking through upcoming movie trailers today at work. Technically I'm allowed to since we do list kid movies in our kid newsletter. So, I take the liberty to watch every available trailer there is because you can never tell by just the titles these days.

Anyway, I stumbled upon this new Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds rom-com called "The Proposal." The idea is that she's his bitchy boss from Canada. Her visa expires so she tells the big bosses that they are getting married. He takes her home to Alaska where she meets his family, and I can only assume that they fall madly in love and really do get married.

The Reynolds character is pretty much forced into this charade because of his job. Apparently he has taken her crap for a while as part of his job so why not add on a fake marriage? So how far would you go for your job or career? What would you do to ensure that you move up the ladder and make some of that paper?

I hardly think I'd go that far for my job because of course, this is real life and not a movie script. But, it'd have to be a damn fine job or pay a hefty fee if I did. My worst experiences have been taking inventory in a hot warehouse and carrying boxes all over the place in heels and business attire; being verbally abused by the owner of a company; and being on some kind of factory work schedule where everyone punches in and punches out together. In comparison to other things, I suppose these examples aren't that bad. However, they aren't good either, which is why I've left these companies for greener fields.

Do people do too much or too little these days for their jobs? With this bad economy, should we be doing more to keep our jobs? Should we be putting in an "extra" effort to show that we're valuable employees? How far would you go?

"The Proposal" trailer