November 16, 2009

Baby Steps

Yesterday I met with my student for our first tutoring session. Apparently, she was under the impression that we were to meet at 4 p.m. We were really supposed to meet between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. It was a bit awkward but not too bad.

My student was accompanied by her friend and her friend's son. I think that was completely distracting but will let it go for the first several sessions. I want to see how she reacts to studying and learning first before I start implementing rules and regulations.

During the session, my student was easily distracted by her surroundings. However, it seemed like she was determined to learn so that's definitely a good sign. She seems to know and be capable of reading more than she lets on. I think this is because her friend is with her. She is too dependent on this friend to really take charge of her life. I guess this is something we'll need to work on.

For the first session, I think it went quite well. I am still not sure what kinds of disabilities my student possesses. It's hard to tell at this point . . . not that I'm qualified to diagnose any. One thing that is obvious is her ADHD. I think she might have some other disabilities as well that will probably become more obvious the more I get to know her. For now we're taking baby steps, and that's all that I can ask of her.