November 13, 2009

Thanks, But No Thanks

I finally got a reply to my manuscript submission. Unfortunately, it was a TNT letter - thanks but no thanks. Well, I guess that should really be TBNT, but we called it a TNT letter at my old job. It looks like a form letter but at least the editor signed it herself and didn't just say from "the editor." It says that the manuscript was well written. However, due to the economy the publisher is being extremely selective with what they print. I guess you can pretty much use the economy as a reason for anything these days.

Oh well. I guess it was worth a try. I didn't feel confident in this plot anyway. It's not as smooth as my last one. Speaking of my last manuscript, I haven't heard anything about when it'll get published or what the status is on this. I wonder if they're just holding on it because of "the economy too?" I mean, I already signed the contract for that one . . . twice. It's kind of irritating actually. But what can you do? I have other things to deal with at the moment so it'll just sit there till it gets the green light.