November 28, 2009

The Cash Register Monster

I don't think of myself as a dumb person. In fact, I think I come in above average in the smarts department. But for some reason, I cannot, for the life of me, remember how to use the cash register at the JCCH. It's like the thing turns into a monster whenever I come face to face with it.

Honestly, there are so many buttons I feel about 80 years old and unable to cope with technology. But, even that's not true because some of the other volunteers probably are 80 and can work the thing just fine.

I blame it on the instant gratification generation from which I come. When someone shows me how to do it, I can do it just fine. But when I come back a week later, I have completely forgotten how to work it. It doesn't help that I only volunteer once a week and sometimes do not even have any customers to help. Then, when I do have to ring someone up there ends up being a line of people who want to cash out at the same time. Jesus!

This is why I never, ever worked a retail job in my life. This is ridiculous. At least the JCCH customers usually aren't demanding. They're mostly old people so they have all the time in the world. If I had to work at a mall, especially during the holidays, I might just give myself a heart attack from the stress.

I used to think my greatest fear was public speaking. Right about now, I would gladly stand up in front of 100 people and talk about global warming rather than use the darn cash register again.