July 4, 2009

Golf Updates on Imua Golf

As part of my efforts to fulfill #67 (Hit a hole in one) on my Bucket List, I've created an account at a local golf website called Imua Golf. It seems like a nice little community of people all about golf. I figure this'll help me stay focused when my hands hurt from holding the club and when my back aches from all that twisting.

I decided I'll keep a little journal going on their website to chronicle my experiences - the good, bad, frustrating and confusing. It might be therapeutic to vent about that little white monster that I can't seem to hit straight, right?

Anyway, here's my first post called Visions of a Hole in One for your enjoyment. It's just me introducing myself to their community. I'll continue to update my trials and tribulations here at Paradise Revealed in a general sense, but I'll be more detailed and get into more golf-related stuff at Imua Golf. Don't want to bore you too much with all the hacking and slicing that'll probably go on, especially in the beginning.