July 1, 2009

Bucket List - Week 12 Update

This week wasn't any better than last week. I realize that I should probably keep this Bucket List on my to-do list as a top priority, but as usual, life just seems to gets in the way.

Bucket List #1
Haven't heard back on the second manuscript I submitted to my publisher. At this rate, they probably lost the submission. I did submit it over a year ago, and God only knows how many people they've gone through since then. I wonder if I should submit it elsewhere? I gave them their chance at an exclusive, right? It may as well sit on a couple other desks awhile.

Bucket List #55
Guess it's that time of month again when I need to find a book. I haven't forgotten the suggestion to read Mililani Mauka, but I just haven't had time to pick up a copy. I dunno though . . . I grew up in the area. I might not want to read it because it hits too close to home . . . . LOL

For fun, I recently read The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide by J.R. Ward. I'm just completely obsessed with the series. There's just something deliciously good about crossing danger and seduction. Anyway, it surprisingly had a lot of good tips as far as writing and getting published goes. However, she mostly credits her success to the Brothers (as if they're real people who tell her what to write and how to write it). Wouldn't it be nice to have a muse like that?