September 14, 2009

Post-Op Day 5

I went in to check up on my left eye since the pressure was up on Thursday. Apparently the pressure is still higher than normal, but we're proceeding with the surgery on my right eye on Wednesday. The doctor instructed me to stop doing the drops he gave me on Thursday and gave me a new one. He said the pressure could be affected by one of the original two drops I was given, but he's not ready to stop those yet. We'll see how things work out.

I don't feel any difference in that eye because of the pressure though. I still feel a little off-balanced. Maybe that's because of the pressure and not because of the clear vision? I tested at 20/20 again today so that's a good sign. Also, that blood clot thing above my iris seems to be fading. The redness is seems to be dissipating and it's not as bright or concentrated as it used to be. Other than that, I seem to be doing okay.