May 21, 2009

Getting Jiggy with it

My naked neighbor dude gave me a shock today, a shock that almost brought tears to my eyes. (As if I could be more appalled than I already am with an naked neighbor across the street, huh?)

Upon getting home, I checked my mail and glanced up to see a streak of blue in the window. What the?!?! On closer inspection, I saw that it was only my formerly naked, exercising neighbor wearing some aqua undies. (I think that's the new color for summer, right?) From where I stood, they looked like blue tighty whities.

Another change is that he obviously turned it up a notch by jogging rather than walking that treadmill. I can only imagine where he thinks he's going on that thing, but I digress. For a moment, I stop to ponder why, after all these months, he has a sudden fascination with aqua undies. My conclusion is that the amount of bounceage is too much for him and he needs some extra support downstairs. To much getting jiggy with it, I guess.

This idea has made me crack up to no end. Not only does it prove that he was INDEED naked all these months, I find the idea that he needs the ball support hysterical. In my overly active imagination, he's tried jogging sans undies and found too much jiggle and not enough giggle. So, to his disgust, he's had to don some undies to reduce the wigglage. How can that not make you laugh your ass off?