At some point in the not-to-distant near future, I want to move to San Francisco. I really don't know what it is about the place, but I took to it instantly. Somehow, it doesn't seem like a big city even though it is. Maybe it's because there are so many tight-knit neighborhoods that it creates a small town feel? Maybe it's the fact that SF is only 49 square miles big? Who knows, but there's some kind of magic going on there that I'd love to discover even more.
One of the biggest things that I'm worried about is finding a place to stay. The rent there is outrageous. Who ever heard of paying so much and not owning it? I picked up one of these fliers that I found in a residential area. It shows a sampling of what it takes to make it in SF. Man, can I really make it with prices like this?
The other huge factor that is weighing me down is finding a job in the city. Sure, I can always move and take temporary jobs or work part time here and there. But that definitely wouldn't be ideal. A full-time job that I enjoy is definitely where it's at.
It doesn't help that I'm a planner by nature or nurture, whatever the case may be. I like to have several options available should the best-case scenario fall through. I don't like to jump into things. This could be seen as a positive or a negative. It'd be a plus because I always look at all outcomes before making a decision. However, this anal behavior can also hinder progress at times. It slows you down when you constantly need to think things through.
Another thing that's crossed my mind lately is the idea of becoming a full-time traveler. And before you laugh, there really is such a thing. Just read this. I think it would be so amazing to do what Nora Dunn did - retire at 30 and travel the world.
But as soon as I start thinking about all the possibilities, my anal self says, "whoa nelly!" Who up and quits their job at 30 and wanders the world? What sane person does that? What about a successful career? What about climbing the corporate ladder? Hell, what about medical insurance? You don't get that being a full-time traveler I'll bet.
So things are stil up in the air. Especially in these current economic times, I think it'd be unwise to make any drastic moves. But if I wait too long, I feel like life may just pass me by. It's so frustrating.
Here's a vid of Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars" set in the city. The vid has some great shots of Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach. Somehow the song and the scenery are really calming to me.
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