May 20, 2009

Bucket List - Week 6 Update

This week I've just been trying to catch up on everything that's piled up while I was on vacation. I haven't really had a chance to work on my Bucket List, but then again, when do I ever?

Bucket List #2-5
My sister called to check if I'm still planning to go to Europe in 2010 with my friends. The answer's yes, but I haven't done any research yet. I've barely even started saving for that trip. This reminded me that I should go pick up some books and get my read on.

Bucket List #28 & 38
I've been thinking it might be nice to spend one New Year's Eve/Day in NYC. I think it'd be fun to do the tv thing and watch the ball drop from Times Square. I could also do some skating while I was there and celebrate the new year atop the Empire State Building. Just something to think about.

Bucket List #32
Times must really be hard because I haven't seen any loose change on the ground lately. Must be a sign of the bad economy.

Bucket List #72
Let's just say that I haven't really fully unpacked yet so how am I supposed to declutter? Well, technically I have unpacked but all my stuff is still in my living room and not put away yet.