February 9, 2009

Teen Online Dating - Breaking News or Old News?

Today I read a Star-Bulletin article stating that online dating in gaining popularity among teens. My first thought was, "Hasn't this been going on since the advent of the internet?"

The times are different now than they used to be. Rarely are there social clubs that exist primarily to introduce students from one school to another as there were in the 1950s to 1970s. Kids and the internet go hand-in-hand, so of course online dating is prevalent.

Back when I was in high school, it was already a common phenomenon. This was before the technology of text messaging, back when pagers were the rage. Even though we didn't have texting, we had instant messaging (ICQ anyone?) and chat rooms (Does anyone remember Hawaii Chat Universe?). What else do you think teens were doing besides trying to meet new people and/or hook up?

Besides just trying to hook up, the internet was an opening for kids at different schools, and even different islands, to meet and get to know each other. Similar to today, you couldn't be completely positive that what you were being told was true. However, I think for the most part people were forthcoming (well, at least in my experience). I also think that we didn't really hold it against each other if there was a fib or two during chatting. We didn't seem to take it as seriously as adults would, and I think this is true for today's teens as well.

I know there are so many negatives that parents/adults harp on and on about when discussing internet use with their teens, but really, back then it seemed pretty safe to meet people with whom you had chatted. It was like the "Leave it to Beaver" era of online dating.

I've got to admit that I met a few really cool and interesting people via chatting online. Most of my friends could probably say the same. After a while of chatting and IMing, meeting in person just seemed natural. In fact, one of my best friends in high school was a guy I met at HCU. We talked on the phone, paged each other constantly and he even came with me to prom. My friends and I met his family and his girl friend. All in all it was a good experience that would not have happened without chatting.

So to say that online dating is gaining in popularity among today's teens is probably one of the least insightful things coming from today's media. Get with the program.