February 10, 2009

Traffic at Eye Level

Today I decided to test out my walking route from home to work. We're moving offices so I'm not sure what the parking situation is going to be like at the new place. It took about 30-40 minutes to get to work. I left so early in the morning that I actually had time to pull into a McDonald's and get breakfast.

To tell you the truth, I've never really been a walker. I've lived most of my life out of the walking range so driving has been my only option. Today's little adventure was pretty interesting. Here's what I noticed during my one hour commute to and from work:

1. People in cars seem to stare at anyone not in cars. It doesn't matter if they're driving along or stopped at a red light. They'll always turn to look at the person on the sidewalk.

2. There are all these quaint little shops along the road that I've never, ever noticed before.

3. There's a bunch of homeless people who sleep at Thomas Square. On my way home, they were still there along with three bicycle cops. Not sure what that was all about as the cops weren't doing anything besides exercising their jaws. I did, however, distinctly smell alcohol coming from the area.

4. Surprisingly my legs haven't turned into jelly from lack of exercise (maybe just pudding).

5. Walking toward traffic is a lot more entertaining than walking away from traffic. You get to see everyone in their cars. Most people don't match what they're driving. You'd think that at some point people would morph into their cars like they morph into their pets, but I don't think that's the case.