April 9, 2009

Cut the Fat

Inspired by Operation Muffin Top(ple), I've decided to sign up for an account at Live Strong, a site that promotes a healthy lifestyle. It's backed by Lance Armstrong and his people. This hopefully means that the articles and support from the site will be inspirational and informative at the same time.

By joining the site, I hope I'll be able to track my food intake better. I already know I have bad eating habits, but maybe seeing them in front of my face will allow me to finally make the changes I need to eat better and live healthier.

Eventually, I hope this will give me a fighting chance at fulfilling #85 on my Bucket List. Then, a few months (but more realistically years) down the line, I'll be confident enough to work on #82.

I'll let ya know how everything goes, but if you want to keep tabs on your own you can view my Live Strong profile. There isn't much there yet, but it's always nice to have friends.