Despite this, I still could not let go of this facination to look up at his window. Yeah, I know it's weird and pervy but really, it's not like I really wanted to look up. From my angle, he looked sorta skinny, don'tcha think? But, unfailingly, if it was around go time and I was at my mailbox, I'd look up. It was like I had to make sure the bugger was exercising, like I was the exercise popo.
So you couldn't imagine my surprise when I looked up today and didn't see him. It was like some kind of loss - a weird, uji loss but a loss none the less. I was so shocked I had look again to make sure it was the same window.
No way! After months of flaunting his junk (not that you could really see anything), he had a curtain installed and some folding doors. I wonder who final told the poor dude that he was flashing everyone? Or, maybe it wasn't that at all. Maybe he got the tan he wanted and didn't want to risk over exposure?
Whatever the reason it seems there will be no more sharing among neighbors. Should I or anyone else want a peep show, we will have to do it like everyone else now - pay per view.
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