June 6, 2009

Are Kid Movies Really For Kids?

When did kid flicks start getting all adult on us? I don't ever remember animated movies being so high brow before. Lately, they all seem to be geared toward the parent and not the child.

Last night I watched Up with my brother and his family. His 3-year-old daugher was left cowering in her mother's lap during one part. During another part she was practically nodding off because the scenes were slow (from a kid's point of view). They were in fact pretty depressing (from an adult's point of view).

When did Hollywood turn innocent children's movies into these adult art films? It seems like I can find ways to deconstruct most of the recent array of kid movies more than I can the independent art film. What's up with that?

Yeah, I realize that production companies want to entertain the parents because they're the ones who bring the kids and spend all their money at the concessions. But seriously, is the full life cycle of a man and a woman really appropriate imagery for young people?