June 18, 2009

Scrubbing On Up To The East Side

Actually, no. I'm not scrubbing in on a surgery, but I am getting to watch a real live Visian ICL get implanted into someone's eye.

Let me back up. In researching this LASIK and Visian ICL thing, I asked the patient coordinator if I'd be able to watch a procedure be done. Luckily, while I was in the office last Thursday I got to see a LASIK procedure. I stood outside the operating room (if you can even call it that) and looked through the window. (It was very Grey's-like if you ask me). Everything went well and it was so quick. This technology nowadays is amazing.

Today I got word that I'll be able to watch a Visian procedure be done. Apparently there's no window to peek through, but I'll be able to watch a monitor showing an up-close look at the eye. This should be good enought to see how the lens is inserted into the eye. I think it'll look very CSI.

I've already watched a bunch of ICL procedures on YouTube, but it's not the same when it's live. I also think it's good to see it being done by your own personal surgeon, ya know? I want to watch the patient go in blind and watch them come out going, "Hot diggity dog, I can see!!!" That would be the best outcome. It's suck if the hobbled out still blind in immense pain . . . or maybe not walk out at all.

Still, I think I'm just overanalyzing this and letting my imagination run wild. Sure there are risks with every surgery. The only way not to take risks is to stop living. Risks are unavoidable. If I take this risk and get either the LASIK or ICL done and leave the office without the need for corrective lenses, I think it'll be worth it.