June 17, 2009

Bucket List - Week 10 Update

Here's this week's update of my Bucket List.

Bucket List #1
Just got a call from my publisher this afternoon and am walking the line between being relieved and falling into depression. The good news is that they're finally proceeding with my book (relieved). It's only taken them a whole two and a half years to do so. The bad news is that it's not coming out till Fall 2010 (depressed). WTF?!?! Seriously, they took so long that they now need to send me a new contract because the first one we did has expired. I think there's a time limit between when you sign and when the book actually comes out. They're probably way past it at this point. So again, it's back to waiting.

Bucket List #2-5
I've seriously been looking into some kind of break from reality that includes a round-the-world adventure so I could possibly do all these things at once. I've found several blogs and websites on long-term travel and they're calling my name. If I could figure out how to sustain myself financially, I'd quit working in a second to be a vagabond and travel the world. Still trying to wrap my head around this concept though.

Bucket List #11
Technically, if I get either Lasik or Visian ICL done I could complete this task. Of course, it's not exactly what I had in mind as far as the type of danger. Still, something zapping or being inserted into your eye is inherently dangerous, right?

Bucket List #16
Going hand in hand with the full-time traveling fantasy is wanting to make some sort of contribution to society. I've been looking into the Peace Corps but that'll just keep me in one place for two years. Sort of hampers the globetrotter fantasy a bit. I've also been looking into teaching overseas and what all that really means. The restrictions don't seem too bad. All you need is to get certified (ie. plop down a couple Gs and get a piece of paper, I suppose). I'll keep mulling this one over.

Bucket List #67
There's a slight hiccup in this golf lesson idea. I need to get me an 8 iron for the lessons. I was originally going to borrow my sister's old set of clubs, but apparently they're somewhere in K-Bay. God only knows who has them and what they've done to them.