June 29, 2009

WWE's BJ Penn Interview

Hey, hey now!! Today Ed (of World Wide Ed) posted up his Q&A sesh with MMA master BJ Penn based on questions from the WWE gang. Surprisingly, my questions made it on the list.

I know Ed was feeling very squeamish about one of my questions, so I didn't really think he'd go for it. (I'd proabbly feel that way too if I had to do a dude-on-dude interview with someone who could break my legs.) But, being the good journalist that he is, Ed must've gave in because inquiring minds (namely mine) wanted to know.

The ultimate BJ Penn question:

Boxers or Briefs?

LMAO!!! I know you wanna know too but are just too shame to ask! So lucky that I asked for ya!

And the answer?

BJ says, "Boxers, boxers. Boxers or nothing under surf shorts. Surf shorts: nothing. Everything else, boxers."

NOTHING!! That's right. BJ said nothing.

Now that's some good reporting Ed! That's some TMZ shit right there LOL